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Coffee & Cocoa Innovation Fund

Indonesia has a uniquely innovative private sector for high quality coffee and cacao products, but Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve Area has not been a focus of market leading companies, resulting in low product values, low household incomes and endangering the environment and sustainability of farming in this region. 


The Lore Lindu Coffee and Cacao Innovation Fund is a competition for private sector companies in Indonesia and internationally to partner with GIZ Indonesia and local farmer groups to pilot an innovation in the coffee and/or cacao supply streams of Lore Lindu, Central Sulawesi. The competition will select partners providing innovative and scalable solutions to increase profitability and market access for smallholder farmers in this region.


The mission of the innovation fund competition is to foster innovation in the production, processing and marketing of coffee and cacao from the biosphere reserve area. 

The objective of the program is to increase farmer’s incomes in the coffee and / or cacao supply chains by:

  • Increase yields and value addition, and

  • Collaboration between farmer groups and other private sector companies to implement innovative tools, practices and / or business models that are scalable and replicable

Please download the material below and join the Lore Lindu Coffee and Cocoa innovation Competition:

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